Pas de deux: An Exchange of Masterpieces


Pas de deux: An Exchange of Masterpieces


Product Description

“Pas de deux: An Exchange of Masterpieces” provides an in-depth look at six 19th-century masterworks, commemorating a historic collaboration between the Norton Simon Museum and the Musée d’Orsay. Co-authored by Stéphane Guégan and Emily A. Beeny, the book contains bilingual essays on three paintings from the Musée d’Orsay collection—Manet’s 1868 “Émile Zola,” Whistler’s 1871 “Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1” (Portrait of the Artist’s Mother), and Cézanne’s ca. 1892-96 “The Card Players”—and three paintings from the Norton Simon—Renoir’s ca. 1867 “Pont des Arts, Paris,” Van Gogh’s 1888 “Portrait of a Peasant (Patience Escalier),” and Vuillard’s 1899 “First Fruits.”

Paperbound, 64 pages, 11 x 8 inches, bilingual in English and French, published by the Norton Simon Museum of Art, Pasadena and the Musee’ d”Orsay, Paris, 2015

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